Tuesday, 13 March 2007 @ 1530
Alex Steffen, Executive Editor, Worldchanging.com
The debate is basically over about the need to change our course before we overreach the world’s carrying capacity.
There is a lot of room for innovation
Earth sandwich – http://www.zefrank.com/sandwich/
Good example: Car sharing. About half the resources of a car are used to make it for you, get it to you, and, in the end, take it away. Car sharing reduces the need for cars by 1 to 6. People who share cars make more efficient trips.
The same applies to other items. For example, a power drill is actually used for 15-20 minutes during its entire life.
The British found that moving the energy meter inside the house and visible reduced energy usage by 10-12% without changing anything else.
Why don’t companies take everything back once we are done with them.