Sunday, 11 March 2007 @ 1700
Cameron Adams, Web Technologist, The Man in Blue
Sally Carson, Interaction Designer, Yahoo!
Dustin Diaz, User Interface Engineer, IMVU
Jonathan Snook
Business – User – Development : The three areas that you need to bring together to get designs to work
If one of these three things fails, the site will fail.
Each of these three needs to know what the other is up to in order to get buy-in.
From the designer’s POV, “naive” questions can get you answers to uncover political currents.
Be ready with facts to support your reasons for your desires.</common-sense>
Generalists may seem out of fashion so specialize, but you need to understand how it all fits together.
Web designers are often becoming “T-shaped people” – broad knowledge, but a depth of knowledge in some areas.
Generalists will become far more important as we move forward.
Small teams are good teams.
Team bonding – Agile development makes people want to contribute.
Making people happy
Agile and extreme programming gets other minds to interact with that are focused upon the exact same issues.
Quick meetings – standup meetings make for fast, focused meetings (“…if this meeting goes longer than fifteen minutes then you are doing it wrong”)