
Designing for Convergent Devices

Sunday, 11 March 2007 @ 1000

Ben Combee, Sr Software Developer, Palm Inc
David Richard, Pres, Design For Use LLC
Adam Zbar, CEO, Zannel
Jeff Beckham, Sr Business Mgr-Strategy, AT&T
Denise Burton, Principal Designer, Frog Design

Design considerations: control, branding, standards, and trust

Figure out how .mobi works. Do they just proxy sites or host unique copies or is it merely another domain?

User expectations: From device environment to environment, users expectations change and are dependent upon which direction they are traveling.

Since input limitations differ from device to device, try to minimize the amount of data the user needs to input. For example, pull as much (or assume) information from context. Example: Steve Jobs sending the image to the friend he is on the phone with.

Asking for information should have immediate and visible value for the user. If you ask for a mobile number, the user should know why and how this information will be benefitting her/him.

Europe and Asia are ahead of North America on this.