Saturday, 8 March 2008 - 10:00AM
You know the drill - you’re in the early stage of developing a website for an idea and suddenly realize you’re wasting time cutting up placeholder images, experimenting with fonts, and trying different form layouts when what you ought to be doing is making those forms actually work! But you want to demo this thing to your friends and get some feedback, and you want it to look decent.We’re going to be discussing the pros and cons of borrowing UI and principles from other sites and folks who’ve done the testing.
Some things you’ll get out of this panel:
* Recognition that patterns come at all levels. Learn ways to be conscious of that and understand the implications of each level.
* When to filch so that you don’t bypass the thinking process.Lindsey Simon - Web Developer, Google
Luke Wroblewski - Sr Principal, Yahoo! Inc
Skip Baney - UI Engineer, Apple Inc
What is the difference between stealing a design and gleaning ideas from it?
Subtantial code: ???
Filch or fair? [shown several sites and asked to decide]
How do you know you have created a monster? (that you have copied)
- edited more than three meaniful times
Attribute code in your comments with a URL. Steer clear of large attributions inline to streamline the bandwidth.
Luke W:
The User Experience
When starting a quick project, some ideas require research to emulate (e.g., single-click voting on Digg) so that you can pinpoint that one thing that makes a difference.
[general copyright talk]
I think there is a conflation of trademark and copyright here. Some guy named Jared agrees