
The Future of Television: Supermodality

Tuesday, March 13th @ 11:30 am

David Merkoski – Frog Design

Average time tv is on 7hrs 40min/day
Average time tv is watched 4hrs/day

TV is broken – Internet is the major form of mass media
TV viewers = massiv passive
Internet viewers = tragicallly equipped

When watching TV you’re overstimulated, radient light beaming through your eyes to hypnotise you. Watching TV = staring at the sun.

People don’t know what the box does (cable/set top box). The TV user interface = 10ft UI

OpenTV – power 70mill tv’s around the world
Electronic Programming Guide (EPG) – problem is these aren’t scalable – linear based on time

Traditional EPG quickly becomming extinct by the non-linears video networks (web 2.0), not tied to time (youtube, joost etc.)
Traditional TV is getting scared that ppl will start to move to the non-linear model

Mondrian (OpenTV)
Up/Down Left/Right takes you to margin menus -> Up is your channel selection Left is your saved shows, down is chapters for what you are watching, Right is recommendations
Hitting the direction a 2nd time will take you to the very detailed version of those areas.

Info key press brings up info card w/information about what watching – save: saves in media library, filter: recommendations
Back takes you back from anywhere into live TV

Recommendations come from “anticipation algorythm” content that you watch, when you watch it, environment, all stored in a profile

ZUI (zoomable user interface)
Top= time, Left=saved, Down=current, Right=recommended – always in the same area
perspective in the interface, 2d movement. You are oriented like a camera or as your eye sees the world

D-pad on just about every piece of consumer electronics – originally from Nintendo Donkey Kong Game (1975)
Nintendo DS still uses this 4-way D-pad.
Nearly all tv remotes have this 4-way controller, the sense of feeling is what this controll is all about.
You don’t need to take your eyes away to control the TV (cognitave interoperability)
GUI contrasted to ZUI – zui is a type of gui,
WIMP (windows icon menu pointer)

TV has no pointing device (no WIMP)
Icons are extremely abstract (long distances, and not clear) on tv

modality=mobile dialog boxes (click ok to continue) or wizards (clippy)
behavior is based on the mode you are in (word types the letter “m”, desktop selects the first icon)
contrast – modelessness, you can do anything at any time and do whatever you want no matter where you are.
ipod has two modes, browse and play
a goal is to remove as many modes as possible

supermodality – no boundaries, football stadium/bsketball stadium going from one sport to the other
wimp=2d mazes, zui=3d mazes
margins are supermodal, choice made determines next state. you can carry metadata w/you from mode to mode