Monday SXSW '08

Social Networking and Your Brand

Monday, March 10th 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Paul Boag Founder, Boagworld
Jina Bolton Sushi & Robots
Mark Norman Francis Web Architect, Yahoo! Europe
Steve Ganz LinkedIn
Steve Smith Web Guy, Ordered List

Social Networking Defined:
myspace facebook linkedin – much deeper – everything we do w/another person online – email twitter podcasts flickr
Any interaction between two people online is social networking.

Brand Defined:
who you come across as a person online and your own identity – not just logos and letterhead
Your brand is the promise of an experience they will have with an entity.

Ways to use personal brand:
use as a sales tool – personal brand is directly connected to what you do (writing and speaking)
many times just for business purposes

Steve Smith is tough to brand with a name (very common) chose something unique and memorable and keeping consistent. Consistency is the key!

Tips and Tricks:
If there are other’s out there with your name or brand, you need a way to set yourself apart. Screen names and avatars – pick a name and stick with it.
Commenting and the frequency of comments can help/hurt your brand.

Do searches and see what is currently out there about you and keep an eye on it. Google yourself and be conscious of your image.

Podcasting – not for everyone

The Real World:
For visual people, find a photo to go with a business card you receive to help remember people.
If you’ve appropriated branded yourself online, it should carry through to real life. If you’re genuinely interested in the networking and branding aspect, it will carry through to your real life.